Child life coaching focuses on the prevention side of mental health. Mindset skills are the key to mental fitness and kids can learn these skills at an early age!

Throughout the ages, the power of storytelling and mindfulness has been used to share WISDOM!

  • Growth Mindset
  • Confidence and Self-esteem
  • Self-leadership
  • Resilience and Coping Skills
  • Goals and Achievement
  • Happiness!

What is Life Coaching for Kids?

Life coaching for kids is about mindset development! Kids learn how to use the power of their thoughts and the power of their minds to create happiness, confidence, self-esteem, resilience, self-leadership, achievement, and so much more.

Kids life coaching is a preventative measure for many mental health concerns specific to children it also supports our children in learning how to identify and shift limiting beliefs that hold them back in life and proactively create supporting beliefs that help kids believe in themselves, own their magnificence and thrive!

This is critical mindset training, and it is the foundation!

Child Life Coaching
Life Coaching for Children

Why is Life Coaching for Kids so Important?

When faced with challenges or disappointments, most kids don’t have the tools to handle them.

As a result, they often get down on themselves or give up on themselves—developing belief systems that can hold them back for the rest of their lives. This crushes self-esteem and it crushes self-confidence.

Life coaching isn’t just for grownups. It’s a game changer for our children when they learn how to use the power of their thoughts and the power of their minds to:

  • Feel good about themselves
  • Handle the ups and downs of growing up
  • To go for it in life, and
  • Reach their fullest potential!

Life events can “wound” children and most of the time their parents don’t realize it.

Parents might see a shift in their child’s confidence or self-esteem, but they don’t know what happened or what to do about it.

And most of the time kids won’t tell because they are too embarrassed. They don’t want their parents, the people they love the most, to think less of them. Instead, they cry themselves to sleep, often suffering in silence.

And a lot of kids are struggling.

Child mental health was in trouble before the pandemic, and now it’s worse.

Regardless of country, ethnic background, culture, or religion, millions of kids are struggling with how they feel about themselves day-to-day.

We must reach kids at an earlier age to help them develop mindset skills for resilience, self-confidence, and self-leadership skills, so they can handle the ups and downs of growing up and thrive.

And help is getting harder and harder to find

According to the 2023 Mental Health America Report, there is only one mental health provider for every 350 individuals.

In U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy’s panel discussion, “The Kids are not Alright – the Decline of Mental Health Among Youth” presented at the American Psychological Association 2022 conference, Dr. Murthy declared that mental health is his primary focus “because if we don’t rebuild this foundation for wellness in America, we aren’t going to do as well as a country…”

Dr. Murthy added, “How our kids do in school is informed, guided, and empowered by their mental health and wellbeing.”

Dr. Murthy also discussed the struggle that parents across the country are having with getting help. He said, “I think one of the hardest things as parents is to see your child struggling and to not know what to do about it…They can’t get appointments to see mental health providers, even when they do get an appointment, it’s 6, 7, 8 months away… I just can’t think of any pain that’s worse for a parent than to see your child struggling and to feel like they can’t get them the help they need.”

Parents need to know that there are resources to support their children across the mental health continuum, including mindset skills training and child life coaching.

Child Life Coaching is Part of the Mental Health Continuum that Many are not Aware Of!

Mental Health Continuum

Child life coaching focuses on the prevention side of mental health. Mindset skills are the key to mental fitness and kids can learn these skills at an early age!

Child Life Coaching in Phoenix